Both pleasures and stresses of everyday life, with the inevitable passage of time, make our skin and complexion look older and older.

The symptoms of ageing and damage caused by the sunlight are mostly visible on our faces. Obviously, there are many methods, from ordinary creams to serious medical surgeries, which allow to improve skin condition. However, dermatologists have been looking for a method that would assure a significant improvement at minimal risk, with no need to interrupt your work or regular lifestyle for a long time. Furthermore, many conventional treatment methods allow to eliminate only one problem at a time and involve long convalescence, perceptible pain and potential side effects.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser

Laser skin rejuvenation treatments have become very popular all over the world.

This includes “photorejuvenation”, i.e. rejuvenation using light. It is a dynamic and non-invasive process defined as the application of incoherent pulsed light (IPL) of low energy density for skin rejuvenation. Photorejuvenation not only improves your skin’s appearance but also heals it. The symptoms of skin ageing, including vascular changes such as dilated blood vessels, “spider veins”, excessive blushes, rosacea, red marks and any kind of pigmentation changes (discoloration), freckles, sun-induced pigmentation spots and letingines seniles are comprehensively eliminated.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser

The treatments shorten and reconstruct collagen fibres, so your skin is more firm and elastic. They shrink enlarged pores and smooth wrinkles. Such an effect can be obtained only with the latest IPL D-Light SR. This device uses the intense pulse light (IPL) technology.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser

There are lasers which allow to remove red spots, lasers which remove brown dicoloration marks and lasers which smooth wrinkles.

However, no other technology is able to provide a long-term improvement of your complexion and skin condition to the degree offered by the IPL photorejuvenation – without interrupting patient's active lifestyle.

Enlarged pores, tired complexion and other skin problems or changes may have a negative impact on patient’s mood and look, no matter how healthy and young he or she feels.

The IPL technology improves the condition of both the epidermis and the deep skin. It rejuvenates your skin and at the same time supplies deeply located tissues with beneficial thermal energy. After a series of treatments you will see that the undesired pigmentation marks are significantly diminished and your skin is smoother and nourished. The same treatments can be successfully applied to your neck, chest and hands. Your whole face is irradiated with short impulses of light, which are perceptible as momentary burning sensations. The skin is slightly red after the treatment. To achieve maximum results, the treatment should be repeated 2-5 times with 3- or 4-week intervals.

It is a non-invasive procedure, no scalpel is used and your skin’s continuity remains untouched. A short period of convalescence and significant safety of the treatment allow you to continue your professional work. Don't tan before the treatment.

A person at any age can have such treatments, even young people as means of prevention. Women undergo them as often as men.  

Contraindications to photorejuvenation treatments:

  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding
  • tan (1 month before the treatment)
  • applying a cream with retinol (stop using 1 month before the treatment)
  • photosensitizing medicines (retinoids)
  • herbs (St John’s wort, marigold; stop drinking 2-3 weeks before the treatment)
  • drinking alcohol (24 hours before the treatment)
  • diabetes
  • vitiligo, psoriasis
  • peeling (stop using 1 week before the treatment)

Rules to follow after the treatment:

  • treatments have to be repeated every 3-4 weeks (longer intervals between the treatments may reduce their results);
  • protect your skin against the sun for minimum a month after the treatment;
  • don't use: sun-sensitising medicines, Saint-Jon’s-wort and marigold, exfoliating cosmetics and medicines (1 month after the treatment);
  • after the treatment, for several days:
    • don't use soap, spirit or alcohol-based tonics;
    • don't rub the treated places with a sponge or a towel;
    • don't irritate the treated skin;
    • you should apply Alantan, Bephanten or Panthenol cream twice or three times a day (to intensely oil your skin).

Every skin reacts differently to the treatment performed. Erythema or oedema in the irradiated area may occur. Both erythema and oedema disappear a few hours later. After removing dilated blood vessels or discoloration spots, tiny crusts may come up and last for about 7 days after the treatment.